Free Shipping & Returns for All Purchases – Explore All our Offers!

+30 6945 345 800

Orders are shipped within 2 business days. Orders are delivered within 5-10 business days from the shipment date in most countries. In case the product availability is different (indicated on the product), you will be notified of the exact date of delivery. In case we may not execute your order due to an event (bad weather, strikes, etc.), we will contact you to resolve any issue.

Please note the following:

* You may not change the delivery address after your order has left our premises.

* All orders must be signed by the recipient upon delivery.

* In case the courier does not find you in the address you have provided, he will leave you a note to contact him and arrange a new delivery time.

* In case you wish to receive your order from a courier store, please select this option in your order form or contact us to inform you of your nearest store.